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Robin Gorini
Alpine skiing, Snowboard and Other discipline
Spoken languages
French - English - Spanish

As he lived in Val Thorens since he was a child, Robin was introduced to ski and winter sports at the age of 2. After taking part in various competitions and winning several awards, he now puts his passion for the mountains to good use by teaching skiing while studying at business school. 


Robin is deeply attached to the ESF Val Thorens, which he sees as a big family where different cultures come together. As an avid nature lover, he also enjoys cycling and kitesurfing.  

Thanks to a teaching approach based on dialogue with his students, he offers participative lessons to help them discover this sport, which is synonymous with freedom. He has been teaching skiing for many years now, and considers his mission accomplished when he sees the smile on his clients' faces at the end of the session. His favorite slopes in the area? Moraine, Bois Mont and Tête Ronde.

When would you like to ski with me?